the willingness to see

The times of your greatest conflict are the moments in which you could find your greatest release. Behind every symbol of fear lies the Truth about yourself that your mind knows well but has chosen to forget. The greater the fear the greater the opportunity for healing and release from pain. Be willing to be wrong in what you perceive and let your vision be healed so that you may free yourself from darkness and fear. You may dispute this is possible, seeing justification for the upholding of judgment and condemnation all around you. Yet what you see is simply your perception and perception is not Truth but only your interpretation of it. How will you know Truth until you are willing to let your interpretation go and look upon what remains?

Even just to raise the question "what if my judgment in this is false?" is the invitation for Truth to enter your awareness. Fear not your inability to accomplish what seems impossible. Those who truly want to see WILL see for Truth will always remain Truth and awaits only your choice.

To overcome suffering requires only your desire for peace and the willingness to be shown that you were wrong. As you release the need to be right and accept the decision to be happy so you demonstrate to others the same choice is also theirs. You cannot release yourself from suffering without releasing those your mind beholds. Their freedom is yours. Forgive the world to forgive yourself. Teach only love for that is what you are.