The idea that we are bodies separated by space and time is an illusion created by our minds. Even empirical physics tells us that all things in existence began as ONE THING, a singularity that then seemed to explode out into innumerable ever-changing forms constantly 'dying' and being reborn.
So we're really all just the same stuff, just the SAME THING that only APPEARS separate when perceived at any particular moment in time. There is no death in reality, just a shift in apparent form. Like breaking waves and and spray in the ocean we appear at times to be separate drops, individualized particles separate from the whole but every drop inevitably falls back into the ocean it came from and is never really apart from it. It simply seems to be apart from it in that momentary snapshot of time. But if its return to the ocean is certain then is it ever really NOT the ocean?
The idea of separation and loss is only possible from the viewpoint of a limited perception, a mind that understands 'reality' in terms of seconds, minutes, hours and years instead of eternity, in terms of inches, feet and miles instead of infinity. Our lives are a snapshot moment seemingly separated out from eternity. To judge our reality based on what it looks like for the nanosecond that we call our lives is like the fable of the men trying to identify an elephant each only touching one part of it. It's not possible. We try but we get it wrong.
Time and space are functions of the mind, made to reinforce the belief in separation, to create the illusion of many, to obscure the Truth of Oneness. This is why when you really begin to look at them closely time and space break down, don't make sense. This is why the rules of time and space CHANGE ACCORDING TO THE VIEWPOINT OF THE OBSERVER. Einstein showed us this, quantum physics is beginning to reveal it more clearly.
We're drops of water that seemed suspended in time, time an illusion created by the thought that separation is possible. But we were never apart from our source, it was never lost. Truth can only be known when we identify with the eternal, the infinite, the unlimited, when we release our investment in the meaningless, fleeting fragments that seem to constitute our bodies, our identities, our 'reality' in time. It is then that we choose to see what we truly are. It is then that we realize we were always one and always at home. It is then that we find peace.