unconscious projection

Today was a perfect lesson in Truth.   My bike being stolen was a surprise and upset me although not greatly.  It did make me think about why this had happened though.  Lately I've been having a lot of issues with honesty in my life, feeling that people are not being honest or clear with me and experiencing some conflict about it.  Various people have upset me in this way in different forms and I've certainly judged them for it.  My first thoughts today were about the dishonesty and selfishness of the thieves.  Of their lack of concern for someone else's needs.  I recognized that this was the same feeling as my recent upsets and I asked myself would I accuse myself of the same thing?  If I'm honest the answer is yes.  It took me a minute to see (admit?) it but there have been various ways in which I have recently withheld things from people, even lied, and also in one instance taken something that wasn't mine without real consideration of how it might affect someone else.  I was selfish.  

Clearly I'M not honest either but I hadn't wanted to see that in myself and always found some way to justify or minimize it.  So when someone commented to me that the thieves would get their karma I immediately recognized that this was MY karma.  And not karma in the sense of punishment, I don't believe the universe is that vindictive, but in the sense that my own earlier, repressed INTERNAL thoughts and actions had created an equal and "opposite" later reaction for me EXTERNALLY.  I was really just experiencing EXTERNALLY, through others, what I was unwilling to acknowledge and experience within myself INTERNALLY.  

The bike thieves were just showing me myself.  Same content, different form is all.  In truth there were no thieves.  I never saw them or heard them and spoke with no-one who had.  The only 'evidence' of their existence is my missing bike.  And I don't even truthfully know that it was stolen.  All I know is it vanished.  The thieves exist only in my mind as an idea, a screen upon which to project my own repressed thoughts of  selfishness and judgment. What I had been unwilling to acknowledge and accept in myself had to be put somewhere and so I put (projected) it "out there" and created a string of upsets at others for not being honest with me, including the 'bike thieves'.  

So I was really just upset with and judging MYSELF for not being honest but that thought was unconscious.  I can't release/heal what I don't even know is there.  Projecting it allowed me to SEE it and for it to become conscious, which is good.  Now I know it's there.    Now I'm not upset my bike was stolen, and in truth I never really LOST anything.  I feel that today was a blessing in disguise.  I lost my bike but what I actually got is far more helpful and valuable.  I can always buy another bike.

choosing peace

A peaceful mind comes from a consistent, unified perception of everyone and everything. The thought that Love is really the only motivation for anything in this world greatly simplifies the decision that must be made in any instance. Regardless of the situation, no matter how complicated, difficult or unreasonable it may appear to the eyes, it will immediately relieve you of strain to remember that people are really only either asking for Love FROM others or extending it TO others. In either case the only appropriate, practical response is to simply love. Just as the Truth sets you free so does your decision for Love open your eyes to the awareness that freedom from conflict was always yours to choose.

nothing real is ever lost

Biked home late after the heavy rain today.  It was exciting, fun and strangely beautiful, orange fluffy clouds, jet black sky.  I don't remember when the sky had ever seemed so clear, maybe some forgotten camping trip when I was a kid.  I do remember the feeling though, something I haven't felt for a long time.  There was a moment when, looking up, I caught a glimpse of Orion moving through the trees and was filled with awe at the grandeur of it all.  For an instant I caught the perfect view and it all seemed so immense and yet so immediate, not apart.  As though it was me out there being looked at.  Still biking I kept trying to find a gap in the trees thinking I would stop and really look at it, take it in,   but it didn't come, then there were too many other lights glaring in my face and I knew the moment was gone.  But not lost.  

choice and perception

Imagine a day where every grievance was released. Every perceived slight or attack forgiven. Every judgment let go. Every idea of pain and fear given over to the thought of joy. Imagine each person seen through the eyes of love. What vision of the world would be revealed to you?  What idea of your self would you awaken to?

the song of freedom

Forgiveness frees your mind, heart and body to become the instruments through which you play the song of love. It frees you to become the music that heals the world.


Once your thinking shifts from 'what can I get?' to 'what can I give?' you'll never feel lacking again.  The shift from 'what can I take?' to 'how can I serve?' is the choice to acknowledge the worth of what you already are.  It is the willingness to be shown the value of what you have within you to give to others.  In sharing yourself you are loving yourself.  It is only in sharing ourselves that we allow others to show us our meaning.  It is only in sharing ourselves that we feel truly connected to life.  It is only in sharing yourself that you learn you were always whole.  It is only in giving yourself that you truly gain yourself.